Spiritual Core Theory: Core Identity Introduction

by Kevin O. Hunking

spiritual_wayfarerToday you can change your life!

That’s a pretty strong opening statement, but I assure you that it is totally possible to change both the direction and the quality of your life right now.  I’m not talking about Goal Setting or Life Planning here.  I’m talking about making changes that affect your Core Identity.  While both Goal Setting and Life Planning certainly seem like good ideas, they only serve to reinforce the outside-in type of thinking that provide very little satisfaction in life.  The ongoing mantra in most people’s heads is “If only I had _________, then I would be happy”, with some particular goal being a material possession or physical ability that we think that we are missing.

Your surface or “Shell” identity is what you convey out to the world.  It tends to be a shallow facade based on what others (however well-meaning) have told you that you “should” want to be.  In the process your Core Identity gets held hostage by your circumstances and lack of true Spiritual knowledge.

Do you know what you really want and who you really are.  I can all but assure you that the knee-jerk response that you give to that question is not what you really want and that the answers that you hold in your head are false.  Why don’t we know what our Core Identity is?  Because we rarely (if ever) sit down and think about it.  We live in reaction to our outside world and totally ignore our intuitive guidance within.

This blog post is the introduction to a series of five articles that will be exploring the nature and qualities of our Core Identity.  We will be discussing the concepts of Inner Congruence, Spiritual Flow, Intuition, Core Influence and the steps to take to living the life that you only daydreamed about before.  All that I ask of you, in this series, is that you read and consider all of the topics with an open mind and that you suspend your disbelief until you are able to completely experience what I am talking about here.

As you explore your true Spiritual Identity, the real you, and shed your Shell Identity you will find the feeling of freedom to be almost overwhelming.  You will begin to see why you are “here” right now and that your Core Identity is centered, stable and highly focused on your deepest core desires (not the desires on the material level).

So, if you are ready to Wake Up to a total Spiritual Life Makeover watch for Part I of the core Identity series coming soon…

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