Enlightenment: Is Science Ready to Take it Seriously?

By Jeff Warren

enlightenment-scienceWill the transformation at the heart of mysticism ever be taken seriously by the secular mainstream? Maybe.

Let’s first get the tricky business of defining enlightenment out of the way.

For expediency’s sake, let’s define enlightenment as a complex and multi-faceted process by which the mind comes to know – and over time rest more securely in – its own ground. As this happens, our habitual sense of being a separate and bounded self begins to fade. Ultimately, the person for whom this happens no longer feels themselves to be an autonomous entity looking out at an external world; rather, they feel themselves, more and more, to be an intimate part of that world’s humid expression, an unfolding natural process no different than anything else in nature. As a result, practitioners report a liberating sense of freedom, ease, spontaneity. The volume of self-referential thought often decreases, although, since enlightenment happens along a deepening continuum, they are still routinely trapped in old habits of dualistic thinking. Continue reading

The Path to Enlightenment

from Happy Science

path-to-enlightenmentEnlightenment is to know our own true nature, the true nature of the world, and the purpose and meaning of life. Attaining enlightenment is the greatest possible happiness for a human being.

“The way to true happiness is the way to enlightenment. When we attain enlightenment, we awaken to the truth of our being, to the ideal way to live, and to knowing that we journey between this world and the other.” Continue reading

Atheists have their own spirituality?


atheistAtheists get a hard time in these pages. They are “the most colossally smug and annoying people on the planet”, “with a mammoth superiority complex”. They’re called “the kind of people who… spend their every tragic waking hour doing little more than mocking the faithful”, “teeth-grating”, “screechy” and “boring”. All very amusing, but not entirely fair. They are so much worse than that.

There’s a group of atheists emerging on quite another level: let’s call it the “wet humanist wing”. This is not a small wing. In fact it includes all their celebrities, Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, de Botton, people who think they’re moving beyond this kind of criticism. Continue reading

Spontaneous Evolution

NetherlandsButterflyCropCircleEconomic meltdown … environmental crisis … seemingly endless warfare. The world is in critical condition.

We’ve all heard stories of people who experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from illness, but can the same thing happen for our world?

According to pioneering biologist Bruce H. Lipton, it’s not only possible, it’s already happening. We are surrounded by the proof that we are poised to take an incredible step forward in the growth of our species. In Spontaneous Evolution, this world-renowned expert in the emerging science of epigenetics teams up with political philosopher Steve Bhaerman to offer a new and hopeful story about humanity’s evolutionary destiny.
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The Stillness Of The Heart

by Orchid Rising

The heart quietly knows.
The mind has much to say about what it knows not.
Consciousness is to be found in the stillness of the heart.

heart stillAnd the heart pulses it out continuously.
Stillness is not nothingness but an extremely vibrant space.

Our essence is consciousness.
Our essence is love.
They are of the heart.

When we’re in the heart, we just know….
We just know what is true.
We can trust our intuition.
We can trust what we feel.
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Top Meditation Retreats I

Shambhala Mountain Center
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

from Travel and Leisure

shambhalaThe location: The 600 pristine acres of Shambhala spread across a Rocky Mountain valley in the northern part of Colorado. The property includes extensive botanical gardens, a bird sanctuary, several spacious meditation halls, and, most dramatically, the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya, a traditional spired Buddhist shrine.

The practice: Buddhist meditation in a variety of forms. The program offerings at Shambhala range from week-long “Learn to Meditiate” retreats to multi-week intensive study for advanced practitioners; there are also specialized workshops for children, painters, and writers, and those who prefer to combine meditation with activities like canoeing and hiking.

The accommodations: 65 elegant, clean-lined single and double rooms, some of which have shared bathrooms. Single-sex dormitory-style rooms, and in the summer, platform tents with shared bathhouses, are also available.

Be mindful: The staff at Shambhala also leads “Sacred Journeys” several times a year in places like Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet, and Mongolia.

The Matrix and Spirituality

by Soren Dreier

DivineSpiritually engaged people still find a contradiction between discovering the Matrix and their Spirituality.

Why is that so? Did they forget how they got it?

The focus point of any free spirituality has always been an awakening.
And I am not advocating that one awakening is better than another, its spiritual elitism and the world has seen enough of that.

Maybe you awoke from atheism to “happy-go-lucky-with- the-elves”, or if you did the ashram in India routine, or became Christian or Muslim.
It´s your belief system and the most private room one can have.
Let’s respect that. The world won’t.
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