Spiritual Core Theory: Core Identity Part II

by Kevin O. Hunking

spiritflow“How would you like every moment of every day to feel like one miracle happening after another? How would you like to accomplish your goals and realize your dreams without undue struggle or strain?”

This opening paragraph is taken from an article written by author Steven Lane Taylor and is certainly an attention grabber. Who wouldn’t want to feel like that, and more importantly live like that?  Another definition of this state is brought to us by Deepak Chopra who describes the state as “the experience in which our needs are easily met and our dreams spontaneously fulfilled.”

Being in this state of total fulfillment goes by a lot of different names such as “Divine Flow”, “Spiritual Flow”, being in “The Zone”, “Peak Experience” and on the more mystical level “Nirvana”, but each of these labels points to the same experience; the effortless fulfillment of our true heart’s desire.  The state is characterized by an expanded sense of well-being, relaxed focus and a general feeling of being more alive.

For most of us, however, our analytical brain kicks in and says “Yeah, right. That sounds wonderful, but it doesn’t happen in the real world.” I must admit that my own outlook originally started out from this highly skeptical viewpoint, but as my research progressed into Spiritual Core Theory I began to realize that this “flow” state is in fact a very real feature of living life from your Spiritual Core.

Sports figures were the first to begin discussing the experience openly, describing a state in which they were fully engaged in their actions, time was suspended and they experienced complete freedom of thought and movement.  Ask any gambler if they believe in “flow” and they will tell you of moments in time where they could do no wrong and everything went their way.  It is a state that all of us have experienced at one time or another throughout our lives if we stop and reflect back on it.  That nearly perfect round of golf.  That utterly romantic evening in front of the fireplace.  That incredible afternoon tobogganing with the kids.  It isn’t just the “big” events of our lives in which we experience Spiritual Flow and it is important to begin to recognize and savor them when they do occur.  More importantly we need to have more and more of them.

Can we manifest Spiritual Flow for ourselves or is it to totally dependent on God’s timing? 

The problem begins when we try to re-create those periods of time of Peak Experience. They seem to strike us randomly, without us being able to control them at all. The more we try to “force” the flow the further out of reach it seems to become.

As foreign as it may seem to our thinking we need to learn to “let go” of our resistance to the energy “current” of life.  We need to stop trying to swim upstream by wallowing in a guilt-laden past and to stop struggling to reach the worry-free safety of the shore.  We need to focus exclusively on the present moment with a positive outlook and an action orientation, to move into the deepest part of the river and go with the flow.

The state of Spiritual Flow becomes easier to attain and sustain as we learn to make focused attention a part of our daily lives.  It is not an “event” that God grants us once in a while but rather it is a very natural part of our being, a part that can be developed and nurtured into a lifetime “one miracle happening after another”.

Spiritual Flow is one of the central teachings of Spiritual Core Theory which introduces the necessary changes that we need to experience within both our thoughts and our actions to attain Flow and live the life we are truly here to live.

Watch for Part 3 of the Core Identity series of articles which will discuss the nature and efficacy of Intuition.

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