Spiritual Core Theory: Core Identity Part III

by Kevin O. Hunking

intuition“We dance round in a ring and suppose.  But the secret sits in the center and knows.”

This quote by the world famous poet Robert Frost, sums up the truth behind communication with your higher self via your intuitive voice within.  Not to be confused with “The Secret” as it relates to the Law of Attraction and the book by Rhonda Byrne, the Secret that I am referring to here is one of your Core Identity’s most valuable assets, your intuition and its ability to function as the ultimate, unflinching teller of the truth.

Intuition literally means “learning from within”.  It is a mental faculty that very few of us are ever taught to use.  In fact many of us were bombarded with negative feedback any time the subject came up and we were told that this extra “sense” did not even exist.  Intuition is a very potent form of inner wisdom and is one of the only senses that are not mediated by the rational mind, the left brain if you will.  It is our intuition that lets us know if something is out of sync and it doesn’t require a spoken voice to understand.  As I mentioned in the segment on Congruence, we are able to tell almost instantly when something is “wrong” or if someone is lying to us.  This is our intuition in action.  Intuition provides us with inner guidance and “recognizes” Truth whenever it hears or sees it.  Unfortunately we have, over many generations, masked many of these Truths with noise and drama and have managed to build up entire religious dogmas around simple core realities.  Whether we “hear” our small voice inside and react to it becomes a conscious choice, one that we need to learn to control.

Albert Einstein’s quotation, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift”, certainly resonates with this Truth in today’s society. We have become so engrossed in the “Ways of the World” that we have almost totally lost sight of our spiritual gifts and the “Ways of the Spirit”. By fostering our intuition we find our true identity and are able to discover and nurture our purpose in life. Due to our intuitive mind’s ability to acquire knowledge without interference by our reasoning left brain it is able to develop a blueprint for our health, happiness and survival, that is based on the Truth.

Intuition comes to us in many forms; it can be a gut feeling, a hunch or even a physical sensation such as a tingling in your ears. You can come to you in a quick “flash” or more subtly in a dream. Each of us has our own way of recognizing our intuition when it surfaces. We can access our intuition directly through silent meditation and “Mindful” living. Other ways to trigger this spiritual faculty is through guided imagery and the use of energy therapies.

Spiritual Core Theory has been developed to teach you how to let your intuition serve as a bridge between your earthly knowledge and your higher spiritual knowledge. Let it serve you well.

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