Quantum Mechanics Atheist Tool or Spiritual Illuminator?

by John N. Clayton

quantum-physicsIt has been said that the universe is not just stranger than you think, it is also stranger than you can imagine. One of the discoveries that has precipitated this kind of response to discussions of the nature of the creation has been the study of quantum mechanics. The problem with quantum mechanics is not so much understanding it as believing it. Even the experiments which are used to support it are considered suspect by many people just because they are hard to believe. Continue reading

Brain Chemistry And Mysticism

by Barbara Hagerty

brain-mysticismFor much of the 20th century, mainstream science shied away from studying spirituality.

Sigmund Freud declared God to be a delusion, and others maintained that God, if there is such a thing, is beyond the tools of science to measure.

But now, some researchers are using new technologies to try to understand spiritual experience. They’re peering into our brains and studying our bodies to look for circumstantial evidence of a spiritual world. The search is in its infancy, and scientists doubt they will ever be able to prove — or disprove — the existence of God. Continue reading

Science and Mysticism

by Dave Pruett

scienceOur species — Homo sapiens — is endangered.

Never has humankind faced simultaneous crises on so many fronts: over-population; a rapidly deteriorating biosphere; competition for oil, water, and arable land; wars and rumors of wars; proliferating nuclear weapons; failed nation states; unprecedented extremes of wealth and poverty; terrorism on a global scale; and a climate on the brink of spinning out of control.

It seems utterly naive to suggest, as does eco-theologian Thomas Berry (1914-2009), that our woes stem from an inadequate “story.”

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Our Universe is a Hologram, and We’re Floating Inside of It.


blackholeAn extraordinary theory that has been getting cred lately is one that suggests our own universe is actually a hologram. Now, a new study uncovers evidence that lends further credibility to this terrifying theory.

Entertainment media has been exploring this concept for quite a while, with movies like The Matrix and Vanilla Sky becoming so prevalent in modern-day culture. The Men in Black trilogy features short segments — acting as quick, but thought-provoking jokes — that show some universe (ours or another) as being part of a much larger one. The end of the first movie, for instance, shows that our universe is the size of and held within a marble, kept in an alien’s bag with other universe marbles. If we’re living within a hologram and made to think it’s just our normal universe, there isn’t much of a way we’d know if that’s how it was designed. A disturbing thought, so naturally, some very smart scientists are trying to figure out if we live in the universe as we know it — or not. Continue reading

Morphic Resonance and Morphic Fields

by Rupert Sheldrake

morphic-resonanceIn the hypothesis of formative causation, discussed in detail in my books A New Science of Life and The Presence of the Past, I propose that memory is inherent in nature. Most of the so-called laws of nature are more like habits.

My interest in evolutionary habits arose when I was engaged in research in developmental biology, and was reinforced by reading Charles Darwin, for whom the habits of organisms were of central importance. As Francis Huxley has pointed out, Darwin’s most famous book could more appropriately have been entitled The Origin of Habits. Continue reading

The Most Common Enemies To Accessing Flow

from Flow Genome Project

FGPI’ve found that the most common enemies to accessing Flow on demand are:

  • Quitting when you’re right on the verge of breaking through to a new level
  • Struggling inefficiently, and making whatever problem you’re facing worse
  • Not having proven methods to relax, redirect and solve challenges when your initial approach doesn’t work
  • Nagging inner monologue that constantly undermines your efforts, and when you do actually get into the Zone, knocks you right out of it
  • Pushing from one challenge to the next without allowing yourself to truly recharge
  • Telling yourself that you’ll “take a break” after the next goal or project, but you never do, until you get sick or injured.
  • Trouble getting to sleep right away, or waking up earlier than you’d planned because your mind is racing.
  • Feeling like you don’t have enough time or energy to do what you have to, let alone what you want to

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Graham Hancock on Gobekli Tepe

In this excerpt from the, Magicians of the Gods (book tour), Hancock outlines how Gobekli Tepe may send the whole ‘house of cards’ falling down, regarding primitive man. He presents us with his theory, that an Atlantis-like advanced culture existed and tried to re-establish societies after an apocalyptic level interstellar impact. BUY HIS NEW BOOK to support HIS WORK.

You can’t explain the universe without God



universeThere’s no denying that Stephen Hawking is intellectually bold as well as physically heroic. The renowned physicist mounts an audacious challenge to the traditional religious belief in the divine creation of the universe.

According to Hawking, the laws of physics, not the will of God, provide the real explanation as to how life on Earth came into being. The Big Bang, he argues, was the inevitable consequence of these laws ‘because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.’

Unfortunately, while Hawking’s argument is being hailed as controversial and ground-breaking, it is hardly new. Continue reading

Evidence for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry

by Michael J. Behe

IDA Series of Eyes

How do we see? In the 19th century the anatomy of the eye was known in great detail, and its sophisticated features astounded everyone who was familiar with them. Scientists of the time correctly observed that if a person were so unfortunate as to be missing one of the eye’s many integrated features, such as the lens, or iris, or ocular muscles, the inevitable result would be a severe loss of vision or outright blindness. So it was concluded that the eye could only function if it were nearly intact. Continue reading

Our Quantum Reality: Our World As A Hologram

Welcome to the Matrix by: Philip Dick, Sylvester James Gates, Thomas Campbell, Sam Harris, Nick Bostrom, Dr. Quantum, The Matrix, Albert Einstein, Virtual Reality, Adinkras, Superstring Theory, Eugene Wigner, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Double Slit Experiment, Sumerian Tablets, Pineal Gland, DMT, Nag Hammadi, Gospel of Thomas, Gnosticism, Gnosis, Dale B. Martin – Woolsey Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University.